College of Science and Mathematics

Search results

  • 2011

    Heavy metal contamination in selected urban coastal regions in US and China

    Feng, H., Zhang, W., Zhang, L., Wang, X. C., Yu, L. & Yu, D., 2011, Heavy Metal Sediments. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., p. 135-162 28 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  • Human p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor drugs inhibit Plasmodium falciparum replication

    Brumlik, M. J., Nkhoma, S., Kious, M. J., Thompson, G. R., Patterson, T. F., Siekierka, J. J., Anderson, T. J. C. & Curiel, T. J., Jun 2011, In: Experimental Parasitology. 128, 2, p. 170-175 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • Hyperspectral data processing in a high performance computing environment: A parallel best band selection algorithm

    Robila, S. A. & Busardo, G., 2011, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum, IPDPSW 2011. p. 1424-1431 8 p. 6008997. (IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing Workshops and Phd Forum).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Impacts of drinking water pretreatments on the formation of nitrogenous disinfection by-products

    Chu, W., Gao, N., Deng, Y., Templeton, M. R. & Yin, D., Dec 2011, In: Bioresource Technology. 102, 24, p. 11161-11166 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    87 Scopus citations
  • Impacts of the cretaceous terrestrial revolution and KPg extinction on mammal diversification

    Meredith, R. W., Janečka, J. E., Gatesy, J., Ryder, O. A., Fisher, C. A., Teeling, E. C., Goodbla, A., Eizirik, E., Simão, T. L. L., Stadler, T., Rabosky, D. L., Honeycutt, R. L., Flynn, J. J., Ingram, C. M., Steiner, C., Williams, T. L., Robinson, T. J., Burk-Herrick, A., Westerman, M. & Ayoub, N. A. & 2 others, Springer, M. S. & Murphy, W. J., 28 Oct 2011, In: Science. 334, 6055, p. 521-524 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1140 Scopus citations
  • Implementation of FIX engine and order management systems using ASP.NET C#

    Swarnkar, S. & Jenq, J., 2011, IMETI 2011 - 4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Proceedings. p. 103-107 5 p. (IMETI 2011 - 4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Proceedings; vol. 2).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  • Inactivation and degradation of Microcystis aeruginosa by UV-C irradiation

    Ou, H., Gao, N., Deng, Y., Wang, H. & Zhang, H., Nov 2011, In: Chemosphere. 85, 7, p. 1192-1198 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    53 Scopus citations
  • In silico analysis of combinatorial microRNA activity reveals target genes and pathways associated with breast cancer metastasis

    Dombkowski, A. A., Sultana, Z., Craig, D. B. & Jamil, H., 2011, In: Cancer Informatics. 10, p. 13-29 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Scopus citations
  • Integrated studies for automobile wastes management in developing countries; In the concept of environmentally friendly mechanic village

    Nwachukwu, M. A., Feng, H. & Achilike, K., Jul 2011, In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 178, 1-4, p. 581-593 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Scopus citations
  • Internet GIS and system dynamic modeling in urban public safety and security studies: A conceptual framework

    Yu, D. & Yin, J., 2011, New Horizons in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2010 Workshops: STEG, CICW, WGLBWS, and IWKDEWL, Revised Selected Papers. p. 207-216 10 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 6537 LNCS).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • Isopods failed to acclimate their thermal sensitivity of locomotor performance during predictable or stochastic cooling

    Schuler, M. S., Cooper, B. S., Storm, J. J., Sears, M. W. & Angilletta, M. J., 2011, In: PLoS ONE. 6, 6, e20905.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • Laboratory analysis of vitamin C in vegetables served in eldercare facilities and evaluation of related public nutrient database information

    Konas, D. W., Feldman, C., Anand, B., Piemonte, J., Garay, C., Silverthorne, E. & Wunderlich, S. M., Jan 2011, In: Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 26, 1, p. 68-77 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Laser-induced acoustic desorption/ atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry

    Gao, J., Borton, D. J., Owen, B. C., Jin, Z., Hurt, M., Amundson, L. M., Madden, J. T., Qian, K. & Kenttämaa, H. I., Mar 2011, In: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 22, 3, p. 531-538 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    32 Scopus citations
  • Open Access
    55 Scopus citations
  • Maximal Sensitive Dependence and the Optimal Path to Epidemic Extinction

    Forgoston, E., Bianco, S., Shaw, L. B. & Schwartz, I. B., Mar 2011, In: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 73, 3, p. 495-514 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    24 Scopus citations
  • Mechanistic studies of Microcystic aeruginosa inactivation and degradation by UV-C irradiation and chlorination with poly-synchronous analyses

    Ou, H., Gao, N., Deng, Y., Qiao, J., Zhang, K., Li, T. & Dong, L., 3 May 2011, In: Desalination. 272, 1-3, p. 107-119 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    70 Scopus citations
  • Menu engineering: A strategy for seniors to select healthier meals

    Feldman, C., Mahadevan, M., Su, H., Brusca, J. & Ruzsilla, J., Nov 2011, In: Perspectives in Public Health. 131, 6, p. 267-274 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    15 Scopus citations
  • Metal contamination and filtering in soil from an iron (magnetite) mine-smelter complex in the critical Hudson Highlands watershed, New York

    Gilchrist, S., Gates, A. E., Gorring, M. & Elzinga, E. J., Jul 2011, In: Environmental Earth Sciences. 63, 5, p. 1029-1041 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Metal contamination in sediments of the western Bohai Bay and adjacent estuaries, China

    Feng, H., Jiang, H., Gao, W., Weinstein, M. P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, W., Yu, L., Yuan, D. & Tao, J., Apr 2011, In: Journal of Environmental Management. 92, 4, p. 1185-1197 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    192 Scopus citations
  • Modelling two different therapy strategies for drug T-20 on HIV-1 patients

    Song, B. J., Lou, J. & Wen, Q. Z., Apr 2011, In: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition). 32, 4, p. 419-436 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    12 Scopus citations
  • Molecular phylogenetic relationships and the coevolution of placentotrophy and superfetation in Poecilia (Poeciliidae: Cyprinodontiformes)

    Meredith, R. W., Pires, M. N., Reznick, D. N. & Springer, M. S., Apr 2011, In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 59, 1, p. 148-157 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    36 Scopus citations
  • Natural, anthropogenic and fossil organic matter in river sediments and suspended particulate matter: A multi-molecular marker approach

    Micić, V., Kruge, M. A., Köster, J. & Hofmann, T., 1 Feb 2011, In: Science of the Total Environment. 409, 5, p. 905-919 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    36 Scopus citations
  • Negative dependence and Srinivasan's sampling process

    Kramer, J. B., Cutler, J. & Radcliffe, A. J., May 2011, In: Combinatorics Probability and Computing. 20, 3, p. 347-361 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • Network-aware data movement advisor

    Brown, P., Zhu, M., Wu, Q. & Lu, X., 2011, NDM'11 - Proceedings of the 2011 International Workshop on Network-Aware Data Management, Co-located with SC'11. p. 31-39 9 p. (NDM'11 - Proceedings of the 2011 International Workshop on Network-Aware Data Management, Co-located with SC'11).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • N-gram based secure similar document detection

    Jiang, W. & Samanthula, B. K., 2011, Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXV - 25th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference, DBSec 2011, Proceedings. p. 239-246 8 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 6818 LNCS).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    Open Access
    18 Scopus citations
  • Noise, bifurcations, and modeling of interacting particle systems

    Mier-Y-Teran-Romero, L., Forgoston, E. & Schwartz, I. B., 2011, IROS'11 - 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: Celebrating 50 Years of Robotics. p. 3905-3910 6 p. 6048160. (IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • Non-equilibrium pattern selection in particle sedimentation

    Chung, B. J. & Vaidya, A., 1 Dec 2011, In: Applied Mathematics and Computation. 218, 7, p. 3451-3465 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    7 Scopus citations
  • Novel methods to demarcate urban house submarket-cluster analysis with spatially varying relationships between house value and attributes

    Yu, D., Yin, J. & Ye, F., 2011, IET International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City, ICSSC 2011. 582 CP ed. p. 41 1 p. (IET Conference Publications; vol. 2011, no. 582 CP).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • O(N) implicit subspace embedding for unsupervised multi-scale image segmentation

    Zhou, H. & Cheng, Q., 2011, 2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2011. IEEE Computer Society, p. 2209-2215 7 p. 5995606. (Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Occurrence of soil- and tick-borne fungi and related virulence tests for pathogenicity to Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae)

    Greengarten, P. J., Tuininga, A. R., Morath, S. U., Falco, R. C., Norelus, H. & Daniels, T. J., Mar 2011, In: Journal of Medical Entomology. 48, 2, p. 337-344 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    22 Scopus citations
  • On the 1D and 2D rogersramanujan continued fractions

    Antoniou, G. E. & Katsalis, P. A., Jun 2011, In: Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. 20, 4, p. 573-585 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • On the maximum number of edges in a hypergraph with a unique perfect matching

    Bal, D., Dudek, A. & Yilma, Z. B., 6 Nov 2011, In: Discrete Mathematics. 311, 21, p. 2577-2580 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • On the minimal realization of 2D Roger-Ramanujan CFE systems

    Antoniou, G. E., 2011, ISSCS 2011 - International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Proceedings. p. 471-474 4 p. 5978761. (ISSCS 2011 - International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Proceedings).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  • Perchlorate removal by granular activated carbon coated with cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide

    Xu, J. H., Gao, N. Y., Deng, Y., Sui, M. H. & Tang, Y. L., 15 May 2011, In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 357, 2, p. 474-479 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    37 Scopus citations
  • Perchlorate removal by granular activated carbon coated with cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride

    Xu, J. H., Gao, N. Y., Deng, Y., Sui, M. H. & Tang, Y. L., 15 Jul 2011, In: Desalination. 275, 1-3, p. 87-92 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    37 Scopus citations
  • Pnpla3/adiponutrin deficiency in mice does not contribute to fatty liver disease or metabolic syndrome

    Basantani, M. K., Sitnick, M. T., Cai, L., Brenner, D. S., Gardner, N. P., Li, J. Z., Schoiswohl, G., Yang, K., Kumari, M., Gross, R. W., Zechner, R. & Kershaw, E. E., Feb 2011, In: Journal of Lipid Research. 52, 2, p. 318-329 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    193 Scopus citations
  • Prediction of residues involved in inhibitor specificity in the dihydrofolate reductase family

    Goodey, N. M., Herbert, K. G., Hall, S. M. & Bagley, K. C., Dec 2011, In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics. 1814, 12, p. 1870-1879 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    8 Scopus citations
  • Proceedings of The Ninety-Second Annual Meeting

    Smallwood, J. A., Dec 2011, In: Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 123, 4, p. 863-890 28 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Pseudogenization of the tooth gene enamelysin (MMP20) in the common ancestor of extant baleen whales

    Meredith, R. W., Gatesy, J., Cheng, J. & Springer, M. S., 2011, In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 278, 1708, p. 993-1002 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    75 Scopus citations
  • Pv cell-driven humidification-dehumidification (h/d) process for brine treatment

    Wang, J. H., Gao, N. Y., Deng, Y., Xia, S. J. & Qiao, J. L., Apr 2011, In: Desalination and Water Treatment. 28, 1-3, p. 328-337 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Scopus citations
  • Random preferences towards bioenergy environmental externalities: A case study of woody biomass based electricity in the Southern United States

    Susaeta, A., Lal, P., Alavalapati, J. & Mercer, E., Nov 2011, In: Energy Economics. 33, 6, p. 1111-1118 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    53 Scopus citations
  • Retrieval of canopy height using moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data

    Wang, Z., Schaaf, C. B., Lewis, P., Knyazikhin, Y., Schull, M. A., Strahler, A. H., Yao, T., Myneni, R. B., Chopping, M. J. & Blair, B. J., 15 Jun 2011, In: Remote Sensing of Environment. 115, 6, p. 1595-1601 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    44 Scopus citations
  • Scale, agglomeration, and regional inequality in provincial China

    Wei, Y. D., Yu, D. & Chen, X., Sep 2011, In: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. 102, 4, p. 406-425 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    50 Scopus citations
  • Search for gravitational wave bursts from six magnetars

    Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abernathy, M., Accadia, T., Acernese, F., Adams, C., Adhikari, R., Affeldt, C., Allen, B., Allen, G. S., Amador Ceron, E., Amariutei, D., Amin, R. S., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Antonucci, F., Arai, K., Arain, M. A. & Araya, M. C. & 748 others, Aston, S. M., Astone, P., Atkinson, D., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Aylott, B. E., Babak, S., Baker, P., Ballardin, G., Ballmer, S., Barker, D., Barnum, S., Barone, F., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barsuglia, M., Barton, M. A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Basti, A., Bauchrowitz, J., Bauer, T. S., Behnke, B., Beker, M. G., Bell, A. S., Belletoile, A., Belopolski, I., Benacquista, M., Bertolini, A., Betzwieser, J., Beveridge, N., Beyersdorf, P. T., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Birch, J., Birindelli, S., Biswas, R., Bitossi, M., Bizouard, M. A., Black, E., Blackburn, J. K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Blom, M., Bock, O., Bodiya, T. P., Bogan, C., Bondarescu, R., Bondu, F., Bonelli, L., Bonnand, R., Bork, R., Born, M., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Bosi, L., Bouhou, B., Boyle, M., Braccini, S., Bradaschia, C., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Brau, J. E., Breyer, J., Bridges, D. O., Brillet, A., Brinkmann, M., Brisson, V., Britzger, M., Brooks, A. F., Brown, D. A., Brummit, A., Budzyński, R., Bulik, T., Bulten, H. J., Buonanno, A., Burguet-Castell, J., Burmeister, O., Buskulic, D., Buy, C., Byer, R. L., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Cain, J., Calloni, E., Camp, J. B., Campagna, E., Campsie, P., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Canuel, B., Cao, J., Capano, C., Carbognani, F., Caride, S., Caudill, S., Cavaglià, M., Cavalier, F., Cavalieri, R., Cella, G., Cepeda, C., Cesarini, E., Chaibi, O., Chalermsongsak, T., Chalkley, E., Charlton, P., Chassande-Mottin, E., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chincarini, A., Christensen, N., Chua, S. S. Y., Chung, C. T. Y., Chung, S., Clara, F., Clark, D., Clark, J., Clayton, J. H., Cleva, F., Coccia, E., Colacino, C. N., Colas, J., Colla, A., Colombini, M., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T. R., Cornish, N., Corsi, A., Costa, C. A., Coughlin, M., Coulon, J. P., Coward, D. M., Coyne, D. C., Creighton, J. D. E., Creighton, T. D., Cruise, A. M., Culter, R. M., Cumming, A., Cunningham, L., Cuoco, E., Dahl, K., Danilishin, S. L., Dannenberg, R., D'Antonio, S., Danzmann, K., Das, K., Dattilo, V., Daudert, B., Daveloza, H., Davier, M., Davies, G., Daw, E. J., Day, R., Dayanga, T., De Rosa, R., DeBra, D., Debreczeni, G., Degallaix, J., Del Prete, M., Dent, T., Dergachev, V., DeRosa, R., DeSalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Di Fiore, L., Di Lieto, A., Di Palma, I., Di Paolo Emilio, M., Di Virgilio, A., Díaz, M., Dietz, A., Donovan, F., Dooley, K. L., Dorsher, S., Douglas, E. S. D., Drago, M., Drever, R. W. P., Driggers, J. C., Dumas, J. C., Dwyer, S., Eberle, T., Edgar, M., Edwards, M., Effler, A., Ehrens, P., Engel, R., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Factourovich, M., Fafone, V., Fairhurst, S., Fan, Y., Farr, B. F., Fazi, D., Fehrmann, H., Feldbaum, D., Ferrante, I., Fidecaro, F., Finn, L. S., Fiori, I., Flaminio, R., Flanigan, M., Foley, S., Forsi, E., Forte, L. A., Fotopoulos, N., Fournier, J. D., Franc, J., Frasca, S., Frasconi, F., Frede, M., Frei, M., Frei, Z., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T. T., Friedrich, D., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V. V., Fulda, P., Fyffe, M., Galimberti, M., Gammaitoni, L., Garcia, J., Garofoli, J. A., Garufi, F., Gáspár, M. E., Gemme, G., Genin, E., Gennai, A., Ghosh, S., Giaime, J. A., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K. D., Giazotto, A., Gill, C., Goetz, E., Goggin, L. M., González, G., Gorodetsky, M. L., Goßler, S., Gouaty, R., Graef, C., Granata, M., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Greenhalgh, R. J. S., Gretarsson, A. M., Greverie, C., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guidi, G. M., Guido, C., Gupta, R., Gustafson, E. K., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hallam, J. M., Hammer, D., Hammond, G., Hanks, J., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G. M., Harry, I. W., Harstad, E. D., Hartman, M. T., Haughian, K., Hayama, K., Hayau, J. F., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heitmann, H., Hello, P., Hendry, M. A., Heng, I. S., Heptonstall, A. W., Herrera, V., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hoak, D., Hodge, K. A., Holt, K., Hong, T., Hooper, S., Hosken, D. J., Hough, J., Howell, E. J., Huet, D., Hughey, B., Husa, S., Huttner, S. H., Ingram, D. R., Inta, R., Isogai, T., Ivanov, A., Jaranowski, P., Johnson, W. W., Jones, D. I., Jones, G., Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kandhasamy, S., Kanner, J. B., Katsavounidis, E., Katzman, W., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Kelner, M., Keppel, D. G., Khalaidovski, A., Khalili, F. Y., Khazanov, E. A., Kim, H., Kim, N., King, P. J., Kinzel, D. L., Kissel, J. S., Klimenko, S., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Koranda, S., Korth, W. Z., Kowalska, I., Kozak, D., Kringel, V., Krishnamurthy, S., Krishnan, B., Królak, A., Kuehn, G., Kumar, R., Kwee, P., Landry, M., Lantz, B., Lastzka, N., Lazzarini, A., Leaci, P., Leong, J., Leonor, I., Leroy, N., Letendre, N., Li, J., Li, T. G. F., Liguori, N., Lindquist, P. E., Lockerbie, N. A., Lodhia, D., Lorenzini, M., Loriette, V., Lormand, M., Losurdo, G., Lu, P., Luan, J., Lubinski, M., Lück, H., Lundgren, A. P., Macdonald, E., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Majorana, E., Maksimovic, I., Man, N., Mandel, I., Mandic, V., Mantovani, M., Marandi, A., Marchesoni, F., Marion, F., Márka, S., Márka, Z., Maros, E., Marque, J., Martelli, F., Martin, I. W., Martin, R. M., Marx, J. N., Mason, K., Masserot, A., Matichard, F., Matone, L., Matzner, R. A., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D. E., McGuire, S. C., McIntyre, G., McKechan, D. J. A., Meadors, G., Mehmet, M., Meier, T., Melatos, A., Melissinos, A. C., Mendell, G., Mercer, R. A., Merill, L., Meshkov, S., Messenger, C., Meyer, M. S., Miao, H., Michel, C., Milano, L., Miller, J., Minenkov, Y., Mino, Y., Mitrofanov, V. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Moe, B., Moesta, P., Mohan, M., Mohanty, S. D., Mohapatra, S. R. P., Moraru, D., Moreno, G., Morgado, N., Morgia, A., Mosca, S., Moscatelli, V., Mossavi, K., Mours, B., Mow-Lowry, C. M., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Mullavey, A., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P. G., Nash, T., Nawrodt, R., Nelson, J., Neri, I., Newton, G., Nishida, E., Nishizawa, A., Nocera, F., Nolting, D., Ochsner, E., O'Dell, J., Ogin, G. H., Oldenburg, R. G., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Osthelder, C., Ott, C. D., Ottaway, D. J., Ottens, R. S., Overmier, H., Owen, B. J., Page, A., Pagliaroli, G., Palladino, L., Palomba, C., Pan, Y., Pankow, C., Paoletti, F., Papa, M. A., Parameswaran, A., Pardi, S., Parisi, M., Pasqualetti, A., Passaquieti, R., Passuello, D., Patel, P., Pathak, D., Pedraza, M., Pekowsky, L., Penn, S., Peralta, C., Perreca, A., Persichetti, G., Phelps, M., Pichot, M., Pickenpack, M., Piergiovanni, F., Pietka, M., Pinard, L., Pinto, I. M., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H. J., Plissi, M. V., Podkaminer, J., Poggiani, R., Pöld, J., Postiglione, F., Prato, M., Predoi, V., Price, L. R., Prijatelj, M., Principe, M., Privitera, S., Prix, R., Prodi, G. A., Prokhorov, L., Puncken, O., Punturo, M., Puppo, P., Quetschke, V., Raab, F. J., Rabeling, D. S., Rácz, I., Radkins, H., Raffai, P., Rakhmanov, M., Ramet, C. R., Rankins, B., Rapagnani, P., Raymond, V., Re, V., Redwine, K., Reed, C. M., Reed, T., Regimbau, T., Reid, S., Reitze, D. H., Ricci, F., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Roberts, P., Robertson, N. A., Robinet, F., Robinson, C., Robinson, E. L., Rocchi, A., Roddy, S., Rolland, L., Rollins, J., Romano, J. D., Romano, R., Romie, J. H., Rosińska, D., Röver, C., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruggi, P., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Sakosky, M., Salemi, F., Salit, M., Sammut, L., Sancho de la Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sannibale, V., Santamaría, L., Santiago-Prieto, I., Santostasi, G., Saraf, S., Sassolas, B., Sathyaprakash, B. S., Sato, S., Satterthwaite, M., Saulson, P. R., Savage, R., Schilling, R., Schlamminger, S., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R. M. S., Schulz, B., Schutz, B. F., Schwinberg, P., Scott, J., Scott, S. M., Searle, A. C., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, A. S., Sentenac, D., Sergeev, A., Shaddock, D. A., Shaltev, M., Shapiro, B., Shawhan, P., Shihan Weerathunga, T., Shoemaker, D. H., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Singer, A., Singer, L., Sintes, A. M., Skelton, G., Slagmolen, B. J. J., Slutsky, J., Smith, J. R., Smith, M. R., Smith, N. D., Smith, R., Somiya, K., Sorazu, B., Soto, J., Speirits, F. C., Sperandio, L., Stefszky, M., Stein, A. J., Steinlechner, J., Steinlechner, S., Steplewski, S., Stochino, A., Stone, R., Strain, K. A., Strigin, S., Stroeer, A. S., Sturani, R., Stuver, A. L., Summerscales, T. Z., Sung, M., Susmithan, S., Sutton, P. J., Swinkels, B., Szokoly, G. P., Tacca, M., Talukder, D., Tanner, D. B., Tarabrin, S. P., Taylor, J. R., Taylor, R., Thomas, P., Thorne, K. A., Thorne, K. S., Thrane, E., Thüring, A., Titsler, C., Tokmakov, K. V., Toncelli, A., Tonelli, M., Torre, O., Torres, C., Torrie, C. I., Tournefier, E., Travasso, F., Traylor, G., Trias, M., Tseng, K., Turner, L., Ugolini, D., Urbanek, K., Vahlbruch, H., Vaishnav, B., Vajente, G., Vallisneri, M., Van Den Brand, J. F. J., Van Den Broeck, C., Van Der Putten, S., Van Der Sluys, M. V., Van Veggel, A. A., Vass, S., Vasuth, M., Vaulin, R., Vavoulidis, M., Vecchio, A., Vedovato, G., Veitch, J., Veitch, P. J., Veltkamp, C., Verkindt, D., Vetrano, F., Vicere, A., Villar, A. E., Vinet, J. Y., Vocca, H., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S. P., Waldman, S. J., Wallace, L., Wanner, A., Ward, R. L., Was, M., Wei, P., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A. J., Weiss, R., Wen, L., Wen, S., Wessels, P., West, M., Westphal, T., Wette, K., Whelan, J. T., Whitcomb, S. E., White, D., Whiting, B. F., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P. A., Williams, H. R., Williams, L., Willke, B., Winkelmann, L., Winkler, W., Wipf, C. C., Wiseman, A. G., Woan, G., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Yablon, J., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yamamoto, K., Yang, H., Yeaton-Massey, D., Yoshida, S., Yu, P., Yvert, M., Zanolin, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhao, C., Zotov, N., Zucker, M. E., Zweizig, J., Aptekar, R. L., Boynton, W. V., Briggs, M. S., Cline, T. L., Connaughton, V., Frederiks, D. D., Gehrels, N., Goldsten, J. O., Golovin, D., Van Der Horst, A. J., Hurley, K. C., Kaneko, Y., Von Kienlin, A., Kouveliotou, C., Krimm, H. A., Lin, L., Mitrofanov, I., Ohno, M., Pal'shin, V. D., Rau, A., Sanin, A., Tashiro, M. S., Terada, Y. & Yamaoka, K., 20 Jun 2011, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 734, 2 PART 2, L35.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    65 Scopus citations
  • Search for gravitational waves associated with the August 2006 timing glitch of the Vela pulsar

    Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, G., Amador Ceron, E., Amin, R. S., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Arain, M. A., Araya, M., Aso, Y., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Baker, P. & Ballmer, S. & 481 others, Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barton, M. A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Behnke, B., Benacquista, M., Bennett, M. F., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P. T., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, J. K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bock, O., Bodiya, T. P., Bondarescu, R., Bork, R., Born, M., Bose, S., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Brau, J. E., Breyer, J., Bridges, D. O., Brinkmann, M., Britzger, M., Brooks, A. F., Brown, D. A., Bullington, A., Buonanno, A., Burmeister, O., Byer, R. L., Cadonati, L., Cain, J., Camp, J. B., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K. C., Cao, J., Capano, C., Cardenas, L., Caudill, S., Cavaglià, M., Cepeda, C., Chalermsongsak, T., Chalkley, E., Charlton, P., Chatterji, S., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Christensen, N., Chua, S. S. Y., Chung, C. T. Y., Clark, D., Clark, J., Clayton, J. H., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T. R. C., Cornish, N., Coward, D., Coyne, D. C., Creighton, J. D. E., Creighton, T. D., Cruise, A. M., Culter, R. M., Cumming, A., Cunningham, L., Dahl, K., Danilishin, S. L., Danzmann, K., Daudert, B., Davies, G., Daw, E. J., Dayanga, T., Debra, D., Degallaix, J., Dergachev, V., Desalvo, R., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M., Donovan, F., Dooley, K. L., Doomes, E. E., Drever, R. W. P., Driggers, J., Dueck, J., Duke, I., Dumas, J. C., Edgar, M., Edwards, M., Effler, A., Ehrens, P., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fairhurst, S., Faltas, Y., Fan, Y., Fazi, D., Fehrmann, H., Finn, L. S., Flasch, K., Foley, S., Forrest, C., Fotopoulos, N., Frede, M., Frei, M., Frei, Z., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T. T., Friedrich, D., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V. V., Fulda, P., Fyffe, M., Garofoli, J. A., Ghosh, S., Giaime, J. A., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K. D., Goetz, E., Goggin, L. M., González, G., Goßler, S., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Greenhalgh, R. J. S., Gretarsson, A. M., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Gustafson, E. K., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hallam, J. M., Hammer, D., Hammond, G. D., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G. M., Harry, I. W., Harstad, E. D., Haughian, K., Hayama, K., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heng, I. S., Heptonstall, A., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hodge, K. A., Holt, K., Hosken, D. J., Hough, J., Howell, E., Hoyland, D., Hughey, B., Husa, S., Huttner, S. H., Ingram, D. R., Isogai, T., Ivanov, A., Johnson, W. W., Jones, D. I., Jones, G., Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kandhasamy, S., Kanner, J., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D. G., Khalaidovski, A., Khalili, F. Y., Khan, R., Khazanov, E., Kim, H., King, P. J., Kissel, J. S., Klimenko, S., Kokeyama, K., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Koranda, S., Kozak, D., Kringel, V., Krishnan, B., Kuehn, G., Kullman, J., Kumar, R., Kwee, P., Lam, P. K., Landry, M., Lang, M., Lantz, B., Lastzka, N., Lazzarini, A., Leaci, P., Lei, M., Leindecker, N., Leonor, I., Lin, H., Lindquist, P. E., Littenberg, T. B., Lockerbie, N. A., Lodhia, D., Lormand, M., Lu, P., Lubinski, M., Lucianetti, A., Lück, H., Lundgren, A., MacHenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Mak, C., Mandel, I., Mandic, V., Márka, S., Márka, Z., Markosyan, A., Markowitz, J., Maros, E., Martin, I. W., Martin, R. M., Marx, J. N., Mason, K., Matichard, F., Matone, L., Matzner, R. A., Mavalvala, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D. E., McGuire, S. C., McIntyre, G., McKechan, D. J. A., Mehmet, M., Melatos, A., Melissinos, A. C., Mendell, G., Menéndez, D. F., Mercer, R. A., Merrill, L., Meshkov, S., Messenger, C., Meyer, M. S., Miao, H., Miller, J., Mino, Y., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Miyakawa, O., Moe, B., Mohanty, S. D., Mohapatra, S. R. P., Moreno, G., Mors, K., Mossavi, K., Mowlowry, C., Mueller, G., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Mukherjee, S., Mullavey, A., Munch, J., Murray, P. G., Nash, T., Nawrodt, R., Nelson, J., Newton, G., Nishida, E., Nishizawa, A., O'Dell, J., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ochsner, E., Ogin, G. H., Oldenburg, R., Ottaway, D. J., Ottens, R. S., Overmier, H., Owen, B. J., Page, A., Pan, Y., Pankow, C., Papa, M. A., Patel, P., Pathak, D., Pedraza, M., Pekowsky, L., Penn, S., Peralta, C., Perreca, A., Pickenpack, M., Pinto, I. M., Pitkin, M., Pletsch, H. J., Plissi, M. V., Postiglione, F., Principe, M., Prix, R., Prokhorov, L., Puncken, O., Quetschke, V., Raab, F. J., Rabeling, D. S., Radkins, H., Raffai, P., Raics, Z., Rakhmanov, M., Raymond, V., Reed, C. M., Reed, T., Rehbein, H., Reid, S., Reitze, D. H., Riesen, R., Riles, K., Roberts, P., Robertson, N. A., Robinson, C., Robinson, E. L., Roddy, S., Röver, C., Rollins, J., Romano, J. D., Romie, J. H., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ryan, K., Sakata, S., Sammut, L., Sancho De La Jordana, L., Sandberg, V., Sannibale, V., Santamaría, L., Santostasi, G., Saraf, S., Sarin, P., Sathyaprakash, B. S., Sato, S., Satterthwaite, M., Saulson, P. R., Savage, R., Schilling, R., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R., Schulz, B., Schutz, B. F., Schwinberg, P., Scott, J., Scott, S. M., Searle, A. C., Seifert, F., Sellers, D., Sengupta, A. S., Sergeev, A., Shapiro, B., Shawhan, P., Shoemaker, D. H., Sibley, A., Siemens, X., Sigg, D., Sintes, A. M., Skelton, G., Slagmolen, B. J. J., Slutsky, J., Smith, J. R., Smith, M. R., Smith, N. D., Somiya, K., Sorazu, B., Speirits, F., Stein, A. J., Stein, L. C., Steplewski, S., Stochino, A., Stone, R., Strain, K. A., Strigin, S., Stroeer, A., Stuver, A. L., Summerscales, T. Z., Sung, M., Susmithan, S., Sutton, P. J., Szokoly, G. P., Talukder, D., Tanner, D. B., Tarabrin, S. P., Taylor, J. R., Taylor, R., Thorne, K. A., Thorne, K. S., Thüring, A., Titsler, C., Tokmakov, K. V., Torres, C., Torrie, C. I., Traylor, G., Trias, M., Turner, L., Ugolini, D., Urbanek, K., Vahlbruch, H., Vallisneri, M., Van Den Broeck, C., Van Der Sluys, M. V., Van Veggel, A. A., Vass, S., Vaulin, R., Vecchio, A., Veitch, J., Veitch, P. J., Veltkamp, C., Villar, A., Vorvick, C., Vyachanin, S. P., Waldman, S. J., Wallace, L., Wanner, A., Ward, R. L., Wei, P., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A. J., Weiss, R., Wen, L., Wen, S., Wessels, P., West, M., Westphal, T., Wette, K., Whelan, J. T., Whitcomb, S. E., Whiting, B. F., Wilkinson, C., Willems, P. A., Williams, H. R., Williams, L., Willke, B., Wilmut, I., Winkelmann, L., Winkler, W., Wipf, C. C., Wiseman, A. G., Woan, G., Wooley, R., Worden, J., Yakushin, I., Yamamoto, H., Yamamoto, K., Yeaton-Massey, D., Yoshida, S., Zanolin, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhao, C., Zotov, N., Zucker, M. E., Zweizig, J. & Buchner, S., 1 Feb 2011, In: Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 83, 4, 042001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    63 Scopus citations
  • Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspiral, merger, and ringdown

    Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abernathy, M., Accadia, T., Acernese, F., Adams, C., Adhikari, R., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, G. S., Amador Ceron, E., Amin, R. S., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Antonucci, F., Arain, M. A., Araya, M. C., Aronsson, M. & Aso, Y. & 702 others, Aston, S. M., Astone, P., Atkinson, D., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Baker, P., Ballardin, G., Ballinger, T., Ballmer, S., Barker, D., Barnum, S., Barone, F., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barsuglia, M., Barton, M. A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Bauchrowitz, J., Bauer, T. S., Behnke, B., Beker, M. G., Belletoile, A., Benacquista, M., Bertolini, A., Betzwieser, J., Beveridge, N., Beyersdorf, P. T., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Birch, J., Birindelli, S., Biswas, R., Bitossi, M., Bizouard, M. A., Black, E., Blackburn, J. K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Blom, M., Boccara, C., Bock, O., Bodiya, T. P., Bondarescu, R., Bondu, F., Bonelli, L., Bonnand, R., Bork, R., Born, M., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Bosi, L., Bouhou, B., Boyle, M., Braccini, S., Bradaschia, C., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Brau, J. E., Breyer, J., Bridges, D. O., Brillet, A., Brinkmann, M., Brisson, V., Britzger, M., Brooks, A. F., Brown, D. A., Budzyński, R., Bulik, T., Bulten, H. J., Buonanno, A., Burguet-Castell, J., Burmeister, O., Buskulic, D., Buy, C., Byer, R. L., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Cain, J., Calloni, E., Camp, J. B., Campagna, E., Campsie, P., Cannizzo, J., Cannon, K., Canuel, B., Cao, J., Capano, C., Carbognani, F., Caride, S., Caudill, S., Cavaglià, M., Cavalier, F., Cavalieri, R., Cella, G., Cepeda, C., Cesarini, E., Chaibi, O., Chalermsongsak, T., Chalkley, E., Charlton, P., Chassande-Mottin, E., Chelkowski, S., Chen, Y., Chincarini, A., Christensen, N., Chua, S. S. Y., Chung, C. T. Y., Clark, D., Clark, J., Clayton, J. H., Cleva, F., Coccia, E., Colacino, C. N., Colas, J., Colla, A., Colombini, M., Conte, R., Cook, D., Corbitt, T. R., Cornish, N., Corsi, A., Costa, C. A., Coulon, J. P., Coward, D. M., Coyne, D. C., Creighton, J. D. E., Creighton, T. D., Cruise, A. M., Culter, R. M., Cumming, A., Cunningham, L., Cuoco, E., Dahl, K., Danilishin, S. L., Dannenberg, R., D'antonio, S., Danzmann, K., Das, K., Dattilo, V., Daudert, B., Davier, M., Davies, G., Davis, A., Daw, E. J., Day, R., Dayanga, T., Derosa, R., Debra, D., Debreczeni, G., Degallaix, J., Del Prete, M., Dergachev, V., Derosa, R., Desalvo, R., Devanka, P., Dhurandhar, S., Difiore, L., Dilieto, A., Dipalma, I., Dipaoloemilio, M., Divirgilio, A., Díaz, M., Dietz, A., Donovan, F., Dooley, K. L., Doomes, E. E., Dorsher, S., Douglas, E. S. D., Drago, M., Drever, R. W. P., Driggers, J. C., Dueck, J., Dumas, J. C., Eberle, T., Edgar, M., Edwards, M., Effler, A., Ehrens, P., Ely, G., Engel, R., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T., Fafone, V., Fairhurst, S., Fan, Y., Farr, B. F., Fazi, D., Fehrmann, H., Feldbaum, D., Ferrante, I., Fidecaro, F., Finn, L. S., Fiori, I., Flaminio, R., Flanigan, M., Flasch, K., Foley, S., Forrest, C., Forsi, E., Forte, L. A., Fotopoulos, N., Fournier, J. D., Franc, J., Frasca, S., Frasconi, F., Frede, M., Frei, M., Frei, Z., Freise, A., Frey, R., Fricke, T. T., Friedrich, D., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V. V., Fulda, P., Fyffe, M., Galimberti, M., Gammaitoni, L., Garofoli, J. A., Garufi, F., Gáspár, M. E., Gemme, G., Genin, E., Gennai, A., Gholami, I., Ghosh, S., Giaime, J. A., Giampanis, S., Giardina, K. D., Giazotto, A., Gill, C., Goetz, E., Goggin, L. M., González, G., Gorodetsky, M. L., Goßler, S., Gouaty, R., Graef, C., Granata, M., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Greenhalgh, R. J. S., Gretarsson, A. M., Greverie, C., Grosso, R., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guidi, G. M., Gustafson, E. K., Gustafson, R., Hage, B., Hall, P., Hallam, J. M., Hammer, D., Hammond, G., Hanks, J., Hanna, C., Hanson, J., Harms, J., Harry, G. M., Harry, I. W., Harstad, E. D., Haughian, K., Hayama, K., Hayau, J. F., Hayler, T., Heefner, J., Heitmann, H., Hello, P., Heng, I. S., Heptonstall, A. W., Hewitson, M., Hild, S., Hirose, E., Hoak, D., Hodge, K. A., Holt, K., Hosken, D. J., Hough, J., Howell, E. J., Hoyland, D., Huet, D., Hughey, B., Husa, S., Huttner, S. H., Huynh-Dinh, T., Ingram, D. R., Inta, R., Isogai, T., Ivanov, A., Jaranowski, P., Johnson, W. W., Jones, D. I., Jones, G., Jones, R., Ju, L., Kalmus, P., Kalogera, V., Kandhasamy, S., Kanner, J. B., Katsavounidis, E., Kawabe, K., Kawamura, S., Kawazoe, F., Kells, W., Keppel, D. G., Khalaidovski, A., Khalili, F. Y., Khazanov, E. A., Kim, H., King, P. J., Kinzel, D. L., Kissel, J. S., Klimenko, S., Kondrashov, V., Kopparapu, R., Koranda, S., Kowalska, I., Kozak, D., Krause, T., Kringel, V., Krishnamurthy, S., Krishnan, B., Królak, A., Kuehn, G., Kullman, J., Kumar, R., Kwee, P., Landry, M., Lang, M., Lantz, B., Lastzka, N., Lazzarini, A., Leaci, P., Leong, J., Leonor, I., Leroy, N., Letendre, N., Li, J., Li, T. G. F., Liguori, N., Lin, H., Lindquist, P. E., Lockerbie, N. A., Lodhia, D., Lorenzini, M., Loriette, V., Lormand, M., Losurdo, G., Lu, P., Luan, J., Lubinski, M., Lucianetti, A., Lück, H., Lundgren, A. D., Machenschalk, B., Macinnis, M., Mageswaran, M., Mailand, K., Majorana, E., Mak, C., Maksimovic, I., Man, N., Mandel, I., Mandic, V., Mantovani, M., Marchesoni, F., Marion, F., Márka, S., Márka, Z., Maros, E., Marque, J., Martelli, F., Martin, I. W., Martin, R. M., Marx, J. N., Mason, K., Masserot, A., Matichard, F., Matone, L., Matzner, R. A., Mavalvala, N., Mccarthy, R., Mcclelland, D. E., Mcguire, S. C., Mcintyre, G., Mcivor, G., Mckechan, D. J. A., Meadors, G., Mehmet, M., Meier, T., Melatos, A., Melissinos, A. C., Mendell, G., Menéndez, D. F., Mercer, R. A., Merill, L., Meshkov, S., Messenger, C., Meyer, M. S., Miao, H., Michel, C., Milano, L., Miller, J., Minenkov, Y., Mino, Y., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Moe, B., Mohan, M., Mohanty, S. D., Mohapatra, S. R. P., Moraru, D., Moreau, J., Moreno, G., Morgado, N., Morgia, A., Morioka, T., Mors, K., Mosca, S., Moscatelli, V., Mossavi, K., Mours, B., Mow-lowry, C. M., Mueller, G., Mukherjee, S., Mullavey, A., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Munch, J., Murray, P. G., Nash, T., Nawrodt, R., Nelson, J., Neri, I., Newton, G., Nishizawa, A., Nocera, F., Nolting, D., Ochsner, E., O'dell, J., Ogin, G. H., Oldenburg, R. G., O'reilly, B., O'shaughnessy, R., Osthelder, C., Ottaway, D. J., Ottens, R. S., Overmier, H., Owen, B. J., Page, A., Pagliaroli, G., Palladino, L., Palomba, C., Pan, Y., Pankow, C., Paoletti, F., Papa, M. 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