Montclair State University


Search results

  • 2017

    Developing sustainable models of arsenic-mitigation technologies in the middle-ganga Plain in India

    Singh, S. K., Taylor, R. W. & Su, H., 10 Jul 2017, In: Current Science. 113, 1, p. 80-93 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • Diagnostic and prescriptive benefits of consumer participation in virtual communities of personal challenge

    Lowe, B. & Johnson, D., 2017, In: European Journal of Marketing. 51, 11-12, p. 1817-1835 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    16 Scopus citations
  • Dietary sodium and nocturnal blood pressure dipping in normotensive men and women

    Brian, M. S., Dalpiaz, A., Matthews, E. L., Lennon-Edwards, S., Edwards, D. G. & Farquhar, W. B., 1 Feb 2017, In: Journal of Human Hypertension. 31, 2, p. 145-150 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • Differences in hemodynamics and rupture rate of aneurysms at the bifurcation of the basilar and internal carotid arteries

    Doddasomayajula, R., Chung, B., Hamzei-Sichani, F., Putman, C. M. & Cebral, J. R., Mar 2017, In: American Journal of Neuroradiology. 38, 3, p. 570-576 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    24 Scopus citations
  • 95 Scopus citations
  • Disciplinary knowledge diffusion in business research

    Wu, C., Yan, E. & Hill, C., May 2017, In: Journal of Informetrics. 11, 2, p. 655-668 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • Discourse as virtue ethics: Muslim women in the American Southwest

    C. Taha, M., 10 Oct 2017, In: Palgrave Communications. 3, 1, 17026.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Discrimination and telomere length among older adults in the United States: Does the association vary by race and type of discrimination?

    Liu, S. Y. & Kawachi, I., Mar 2017, In: Public Health Reports. 132, 2, p. 220-230 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    53 Scopus citations
  • Dismantling motivational interviewing: Effects on initiation of behavior change among problem drinkers seeking treatment.

    Morgenstern, J., Kuerbis, A., Houser, J., Levak, S., Amrhein, P., Shao, S. & McKay, J. R., Nov 2017, In: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 31, 7, p. 751-762 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    28 Scopus citations
  • DNP-enhanced ultrawideline 207Pb solid-state NMR spectroscopy: an application to cultural heritage science

    Kobayashi, T., Perras, F. A., Murphy, A., Yao, Y., Catalano, J., Centeno, S. A., Dybowski, C., Zumbulyadis, N. & Pruski, M., 2017, In: Dalton Transactions. 46, 11, p. 3535-3540 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    23 Scopus citations
  • Does First Sex Really “Just Happen?” A Retrospective Exploratory Study of Sexual Debut Among American Adolescents

    Lieberman, L. D., Goldfarb, E. S., Kwiatkowski, S. & Santos, P., 3 Jul 2017, In: American Journal of Sexuality Education. 12, 3, p. 237-256 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Does it help, hurt, or something else? The effect of a something else response alternative on children's performance on forced-choice questions

    London, K., Hall, A. K. & Lytle, N. E., Aug 2017, In: Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 23, 3, p. 281-289 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • Does Making Something Move Matter? Representations of Goals and Sources in Motion Events With Causal Sources

    Lakusta, L., Muentener, P., Petrillo, L., Mullanaphy, N. & Muniz, L., Apr 2017, In: Cognitive Science. 41, 3, p. 814-826 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • Do non-staggered board elections matter to earnings quality and the value relevance of earnings and book value?

    Chiang, S., Kleinman, G. & Lee, P., 2017, In: Review of Accounting and Finance. 16, 1, p. 46-66 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • Do you see what i see? An investigation of the aesthetic experience in the laboratory and museum

    Specker, E., Tinio, P. P. L. & van Elk, M., Aug 2017, In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 11, 3, p. 265-275 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    61 Scopus citations
  • Dream Big: Exploring Empowering Processes of DREAM Act Advocacy in a Focal State

    Forenza, B. & Mendonca, C., 2 Oct 2017, In: Journal of Latinos and Education. 16, 4, p. 290-300 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • Dynamic child growth prediction: A comparative methods approach

    Ivanescu, A. E., Crainiceanu, C. M. & Checkley, W., 1 Dec 2017, In: Statistical Modelling. 17, 6, p. 468-493 26 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • Dysconscious ableism: toward a liberatory praxis in teacher education

    Broderick, A. & Lalvani, P., 2 Sep 2017, In: International Journal of Inclusive Education. 21, 9, p. 894-905 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    63 Scopus citations
  • Eat your veggies: A chef-prepared, family style school lunch increases vegetable liking and consumption in elementary school students

    Zellner, D. A. & Cobuzzi, J. L., 1 Jan 2017, In: Food Quality and Preference. 55, p. 8-15 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    14 Scopus citations
  • ECB Monetary Policy Actions and the Economic Conditions of a Non-Euro Member: The Case of Croatia

    Berisha, E., 2017, In: Global Economy Journal. 13, 1, 20170008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Effects of a common insecticide on wetland communities with varying quality of leaf litter inputs

    Stoler, A. B., Mattes, B. M., Hintz, W. D., Jones, D. K., Lind, L., Schuler, M. S. & Relyea, R. A., 2017, In: Environmental Pollution. 226, p. 452-462 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • Effects of a reform high school mathematics curriculum on student achievement: whom does it benefit?

    Krupa, E. & Confrey, J., 4 Mar 2017, In: Journal of Curriculum Studies. 49, 2, p. 191-215 25 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    7 Scopus citations
  • Effects of waveform model systematics on the interpretation of GW150914

    Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., Abernathy, M. R., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adams, C., Adams, T., Addesso, P., Adhikari, R. X., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agathos, M., Agatsuma, K., Aggarwal, N., Aguiar, O. D., Aiello, L., Ain, A., Ajith, P. & Allen, B. & 980 others, Allocca, A., Altin, P. A., Ananyeva, A., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Appert, S., Arai, K., Araya, M. C., Areeda, J. S., Arnaud, N., Arun, K. G., Ascenzi, S., Ashton, G., Ast, M., Aston, S. M., Astone, P., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Avila-Alvarez, A., Babak, S., Bacon, P., Bader, M. K. M., Baker, P. T., Baldaccini, F., Ballardin, G., Ballmer, S. W., Barayoga, J. C., Barclay, S. E., Barish, B. C., Barker, D., Barone, F., Barr, B., Barsotti, L., Barsuglia, M., Barta, D., Bartlett, J., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Basti, A., Batch, J. C., Baune, C., Bavigadda, V., Bazzan, M., Beer, C., Bejger, M., Belahcene, I., Belgin, M., Bell, A. S., Berger, B. K., Bergmann, G., Berry, C. P. L., Bersanetti, D., Bertolini, A., Betzwieser, J., Bhagwat, S., Bhandare, R., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Billman, C. R., Birch, J., Birney, R., Birnholtz, O., Biscans, S., Bisht, A., Bitossi, M., Biwer, C., Bizouard, M. A., Blackburn, J. K., Blackman, J., Blair, C. D., Blair, D. G., Blair, R. M., Bloemen, S., Bock, O., Boer, M., Bogaert, G., Bohe, A., Bondu, F., Bonnand, R., Boom, B. A., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Bouffanais, Y., Bozzi, A., Bradaschia, C., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Branchesi, M., Brau, J. E., Briant, T., Brillet, A., Brinkmann, M., Brisson, V., Brockill, P., Broida, J. E., Brooks, A. F., Brown, D. A., Brown, D. D., Brown, N. M., Brunett, S., Buchanan, C. C., Buikema, A., Bulik, T., Bulten, H. J., Buonanno, A., Buskulic, D., Buy, C., Byer, R. L., Cabero, M., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Cahillane, C., Calderón Bustillo, J., Callister, T. A., Calloni, E., Camp, J. B., Cannon, K. C., Cao, H., Cao, J., Capano, C. D., Capocasa, E., Carbognani, F., Caride, S., Casanueva Diaz, J., Casentini, C., Caudill, S., Cavaglià, M., Cavalier, F., Cavalieri, R., Cella, G., Cepeda, C. B., Cerboni Baiardi, L., Cerretani, G., Cesarini, E., Chamberlin, S. J., Chan, M., Chao, S., Charlton, P., Chassande-Mottin, E., Cheeseboro, B. D., Chen, H. Y., Chen, Y., Cheng, H. P., Chincarini, A., Chiummo, A., Chmiel, T., Cho, H. S., Cho, M., Chow, J. H., Christensen, N., Chu, Q., Chua, A. J. K., Chua, S., Chung, S., Ciani, G., Clara, F., Clark, J. A., Cleva, F., Cocchieri, C., Coccia, E., Cohadon, P. F., Colla, A., Collette, C. G., Cominsky, L., Constancio, M., Conti, L., Cooper, S. J., Corbitt, T. R., Cornish, N., Corsi, A., Cortese, S., Costa, C. A., Coughlin, M. W., Coughlin, S. B., Coulon, J. P., Countryman, S. T., Couvares, P., Covas, P. B., Cowan, E. E., Coward, D. M., Cowart, M. J., Coyne, D. C., Coyne, R., Creighton, J. D. E., Creighton, T. D., Cripe, J., Crowder, S. G., Cullen, T. J., Cumming, A., Cunningham, L., Cuoco, E., Dal Canton, T., Danilishin, S. L., D'Antonio, S., Danzmann, K., Dasgupta, A., Da Silva Costa, C. F., Dattilo, V., Dave, I., Davier, M., Davies, G. S., Davis, D., Daw, E. J., Day, B., Day, R., De, S., Debra, D., Debreczeni, G., Degallaix, J., De Laurentis, M., Deléglise, S., Del Pozzo, W., Denker, T., Dent, T., Dergachev, V., De Rosa, R., Derosa, R. T., Desalvo, R., Devenson, J., Devine, R. C., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M. C., Di Fiore, L., Di Giovanni, M., Di Girolamo, T., Di Lieto, A., Di Pace, S., Di Palma, I., Di Virgilio, A., Doctor, Z., Dolique, V., Donovan, F., Dooley, K. L., Doravari, S., Dorrington, I., Douglas, R., Dovale Álvarez, M., Downes, T. P., Drago, M., Drever, R. W. P., Driggers, J. C., Du, Z., Ducrot, M., Dwyer, S. E., Edo, T. B., Edwards, M. C., Effler, A., Eggenstein, H. B., Ehrens, P., Eichholz, J., Eikenberry, S. S., Eisenstein, R. A., Essick, R. C., Etienne, Z., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T. M., Everett, R., Factourovich, M., Fafone, V., Fair, H., Fairhurst, S., Fan, X., Farinon, S., Farr, B., Farr, W. M., Fauchon-Jones, E. J., Favata, M., Fays, M., Fehrmann, H., Fejer, M. M., Fernández Galiana, A., Ferrante, I., Ferreira, E. C., Ferrini, F., Fidecaro, F., Fiori, I., Fiorucci, D., Fisher, R. P., Flaminio, R., Fletcher, M., Fong, H., Forsyth, S. S., Fournier, J. D., Frasca, S., Frasconi, F., Frei, Z., Freise, A., Frey, R., Frey, V., Fries, E. M., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V. V., Fulda, P., Fyffe, M., Gabbard, H., Gadre, B. U., Gaebel, S. M., Gair, J. R., Gammaitoni, L., Gaonkar, S. G., Garufi, F., Gaur, G., Gayathri, V., Gehrels, N., Gemme, G., Genin, E., Gennai, A., George, J., Gergely, L., Germain, V., Ghonge, S., Ghosh, A., Ghosh, A., Ghosh, S., Giaime, J. A., Giardina, K. D., Giazotto, A., Gill, K., Glaefke, A., Goetz, E., Goetz, R., Gondan, L., González, G., Gonzalez Castro, J. M., Gopakumar, A., Gorodetsky, M. L., Gossan, S. E., Gosselin, M., Gouaty, R., Grado, A., Graef, C., Granata, M., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Greco, G., Green, A. C., Groot, P., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Guidi, G. M., Guo, X., Gupta, A., Gupta, M. K., Gushwa, K. E., Gustafson, E. K., Gustafson, R., Hacker, J. J., Hall, B. R., Hall, E. D., Hammond, G., Haney, M., Hanke, M. M., Hanks, J., Hanna, C., Hannam, M. D., Hanson, J., Hardwick, T., Harms, J., Harry, G. M., Harry, I. W., Hart, M. J., Hartman, M. T., Haster, C. J., Haughian, K., Healy, J., Heidmann, A., Heintze, M. C., Heitmann, H., Hello, P., Hemming, G., Hendry, M., Heng, I. S., Hennig, J., Henry, J., Heptonstall, A. W., Heurs, M., Hild, S., Hoak, D., Hofman, D., Holt, K., Holz, D. E., Hopkins, P., Hough, J., Houston, E. A., Howell, E. J., Hu, Y. M., Huerta, E. A., Huet, D., Hughey, B., Husa, S., Huttner, S. H., Huynh-Dinh, T., Indik, N., Ingram, D. R., Inta, R., Isa, H. N., Isac, J. M., Isi, M., Isogai, T., Iyer, B. R., Izumi, K., Jacqmin, T., Jani, K., Jaranowski, P., Jawahar, S., Jiménez-Forteza, F., Johnson, W. W., Jones, D. I., Jones, R., Jonker, R. J. G., Ju, L., Junker, J., Kalaghatgi, C. V., Kalogera, V., Kandhasamy, S., Kang, G., Kanner, J. B., Karki, S., Karvinen, K. S., Kasprzack, M., Katsavounidis, E., Katzman, W., Kaufer, S., Kaur, T., Kawabe, K., Kéfélian, F., Keitel, D., Kelley, D. B., Kennedy, R., Key, J. S., Khalili, F. Y., Khan, I., Khan, S., Khan, Z., Khazanov, E. A., Kijbunchoo, N., Kim, C., Kim, J. C., Kim, W., Kim, W., Kim, Y. M., Kimbrell, S. J., King, E. J., King, P. J., Kirchhoff, R., Kissel, J. S., Klein, B., Kleybolte, L., Klimenko, S., Koch, P., Koehlenbeck, S. M., Koley, S., Kondrashov, V., Kontos, A., Korobko, M., Korth, W. Z., Kowalska, I., Kozak, D. B., Krämer, C., Kringel, V., Krishnan, B., Królak, A., Kuehn, G., Kumar, P., Kumar, R., Kuo, L., Kutynia, A., Lackey, B. D., Landry, M., Lang, R. N., Lange, J., Lantz, B., Lanza, R. K., Lartaux-Vollard, A., Lasky, P. D., Laxen, M., Lazzarini, A., Lazzaro, C., Leaci, P., Leavey, S., Lebigot, E. O., Lee, C. H., Lee, H. K., Lee, H. M., Lee, K., Lehmann, J., Lenon, A., Leonardi, M., Leong, J. R., Leroy, N., Letendre, N., Levin, Y., Li, T. G. F., Libson, A., Littenberg, T. B., Liu, J., Lockerbie, N. A., Lombardi, A. L., London, L. T., Lord, J. E., Lorenzini, M., Loriette, V., Lormand, M., Losurdo, G., Lough, J. D., Lovelace, G., Lück, H., Lundgren, A. P., Lynch, R., Ma, Y., Macfoy, S., Machenschalk, B., Macinnis, M., Macleod, D. M., Magaña-Sandoval, F., Majorana, E., Maksimovic, I., Malvezzi, V., Man, N., Mandic, V., Mangano, V., Mansell, G. L., Manske, M., Mantovani, M., Marchesoni, F., Marion, F., Márka, S., Márka, Z., Markosyan, A. S., Maros, E., Martelli, F., Martellini, L., Martin, I. W., Martynov, D. V., Mason, K., Masserot, A., Massinger, T. J., Masso-Reid, M., Mastrogiovanni, S., Matichard, F., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., Mazumder, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D. E., McCormick, S., McGrath, C., McGuire, S. C., McIntyre, G., McIver, J., McManus, D. J., McRae, T., McWilliams, S. T., Meacher, D., Meadors, G. D., Meidam, J., Melatos, A., Mendell, G., Mendoza-Gandara, D., Mercer, R. A., Merilh, E. L., Merzougui, M., Meshkov, S., Messenger, C., Messick, C., Metzdorff, R., Meyers, P. M., Mezzani, F., Miao, H., Michel, C., Middleton, H., Mikhailov, E. E., Milano, L., Miller, A. L., Miller, A., Miller, B. B., Miller, J., Millhouse, M., Minenkov, Y., Ming, J., Mirshekari, S., Mishra, C., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Moggi, A., Mohan, M., Mohapatra, S. R. P., Montani, M., Moore, B. C., Moore, C. J., Moraru, D., Moreno, G., Morriss, S. R., Mours, B., Mow-Lowry, C. M., Mueller, G., Muir, A. W., Mukherjee, A., Mukherjee, D., Mukherjee, S., Mukund, N., Mullavey, A., Munch, J., Muniz, E. A. M., Murray, P. G., Mytidis, A., Napier, K., Nardecchia, I., Naticchioni, L., Nelemans, G., Nelson, T. J. N., Neri, M., Nery, M., Neunzert, A., Newport, J. M., Newton, G., Nguyen, T. T., Nielsen, A. B., Nissanke, S., Nitz, A., Noack, A., Nocera, F., Nolting, D., Normandin, M. E. N., Nuttall, L. K., Oberling, J., Ochsner, E., Oelker, E., Ogin, G. H., Oh, J. J., Oh, S. H., Ohme, F., Oliver, M., Oppermann, P., Oram, R. J., O'Reilly, B., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ottaway, D. J., Overmier, H., Owen, B. J., Pace, A. E., Page, J., Pai, A., Pai, S. A., Palamos, J. R., Palashov, O., Palomba, C., Pal-Singh, A., Pan, H., Pankow, C., Pannarale, F., Pant, B. C., Paoletti, F., Paoli, A., Papa, M. A., Paris, H. R., Parker, W., Pascucci, D., Pasqualetti, A., Passaquieti, R., Passuello, D., Patricelli, B., Pearlstone, B. L., Pedraza, M., Pedurand, R., Pekowsky, L., Pele, A., Penn, S., Perez, C. J., Perreca, A., Perri, L. M., Pfeiffer, H. P., Phelps, M., Piccinni, O. J., Pichot, M., Piergiovanni, F., Pierro, V., Pillant, G., Pinard, L., Pinto, I. M., Pitkin, M., Poe, M., Poggiani, R., Popolizio, P., Post, A., Powell, J., Prasad, J., Pratt, J. W. W., Predoi, V., Prestegard, T., Prijatelj, M., Principe, M., Privitera, S., Prodi, G. A., Prokhorov, L. G., Puncken, O., Punturo, M., Puppo, P., Pürrer, M., Qi, H., Qin, J., Qiu, S., Quetschke, V., Quintero, E. A., Quitzow-James, R., Raab, F. J., Rabeling, D. S., Radkins, H., Raffai, P., Raja, S., Rajan, C., Rakhmanov, M., Rapagnani, P., Raymond, V., Razzano, M., Re, V., Read, J., Regimbau, T., Rei, L., Reid, S., Reitze, D. H., Rew, H., Reyes, S. D., Rhoades, E., Ricci, F., Riles, K., Rizzo, M., Robertson, N. A., Robie, R., Robinet, F., Rocchi, A., Rolland, L., Rollins, J. G., Roma, V. J., Romano, J. D., Romano, R., Romie, J. H., Rosińska, D., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruggi, P., Ryan, K., Sachdev, S., Sadecki, T., Sadeghian, L., Sakellariadou, M., Salconi, L., Saleem, M., Salemi, F., Samajdar, A., Sammut, L., Sampson, L. M., Sanchez, E. J., Sandberg, V., Sanders, J. R., Sassolas, B., Sathyaprakash, B. S., Saulson, P. R., Sauter, O., Savage, R. L., Sawadsky, A., Schale, P., Scheuer, J., Schmidt, E., Schmidt, J., Schmidt, P., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R. M. S., Schönbeck, A., Schreiber, E., Schuette, D., Schutz, B. F., Schwalbe, S. G., Scott, J., Scott, S. M., Sellers, D., Sengupta, A. S., Sentenac, D., Sequino, V., Sergeev, A., Setyawati, Y., Shaddock, D. A., Shaffer, T. J., Shahriar, M. S., Shapiro, B., Shawhan, P., Sheperd, A., Shoemaker, D. H., Shoemaker, D. M., Siellez, K., Siemens, X., Sieniawska, M., Sigg, D., Silva, A. D., Singer, A., Singer, L. P., Singh, A., Singh, R., Singhal, A., Sintes, A. M., Slagmolen, B. J. J., Smith, B., Smith, J. R., Smith, R. J. E., Son, E. J., Sorazu, B., Sorrentino, F., Souradeep, T., Spencer, A. P., Srivastava, A. K., Staley, A., Steinke, M., Steinlechner, J., Steinlechner, S., Steinmeyer, D., Stephens, B. C., Stevenson, S. P., Stone, R., Strain, K. A., Straniero, N., Stratta, G., Strigin, S. E., Sturani, R., Stuver, A. L., Summerscales, T. Z., Sun, L., Sunil, S., Sutton, P. J., Swinkels, B. L., Szczepańczyk, M. J., Tacca, M., Talukder, D., Tanner, D. B., Tápai, M., Taracchini, A., Taylor, R., Theeg, T., Thomas, E. G., Thomas, M., Thomas, P., Thorne, K. A., Thrane, E., Tippens, T., Tiwari, S., Tiwari, V., Tokmakov, K. V., Toland, K., Tomlinson, C., Tonelli, M., Tornasi, Z., Torrie, C. I., Töyrä, D., Travasso, F., Traylor, G., Trifir, D., Trinastic, J., Tringali, M. C., Trozzo, L., Tse, M., Tso, R., Turconi, M., Tuyenbayev, D., Ugolini, D., Unnikrishnan, C. S., Urban, A. L., Usman, S. A., Vahlbruch, H., Vajente, G., Valdes, G., Van Bakel, N., Van Beuzekom, M., Van Den Brand, J. F. J., Van Den Broeck, C., Vander-Hyde, D. C., Van Der Schaaf, L., Van Heijningen, J. V., Van Veggel, A. A., Vardaro, M., Varma, V., Vass, S., Vasúth, M., Vecchio, A., Vedovato, G., Veitch, J., Veitch, P. J., Venkateswara, K., Venugopalan, G., Verkindt, D., Vetrano, F., Viceré, A., Viets, A. D., Vinciguerra, S., Vine, D. J., Vinet, J. Y., Vitale, S., Vo, T., Vocca, H., Vorvick, C., Voss, D. V., Vousden, W. D., Vyatchanin, S. P., Wade, A. R., Wade, L. E., Wade, M., Walker, M., Wallace, L., Walsh, S., Wang, G., Wang, H., Wang, M., Wang, Y., Ward, R. L., Warner, J., Was, M., Watchi, J., Weaver, B., Wei, L. W., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A. J., Weiss, R., Wen, L., Weßels, P., Westphal, T., Wette, K., Whelan, J. T., Whiting, B. F., Whittle, C., Williams, D., Williams, R. D., Williamson, A. R., Willis, J. L., Willke, B., Wimmer, M. H., Winkler, W., Wipf, C. C., Wittel, H., Woan, G., Woehler, J., Worden, J., Wright, J. L., Wu, D. S., Wu, G., Yam, W., Yamamoto, H., Yancey, C. C., Yap, M. J., Yu, H., Yu, H., Yvert, M., Zadrożny, A., Zangrando, L., Zanolin, M., Zendri, J. P., Zevin, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, Y., Zhao, C., Zhou, M., Zhou, Z., Zhu, S. J., Zhu, X. J., Zucker, M. E., Zweizig, J., Boyle, M., Chu, T., Hemberger, D., Hinder, I., Kidder, L. E., Ossokine, S., Scheel, M., Szilagyi, B., Teukolsky, S. & Vano Vinuales, A., 12 Apr 2017, In: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 34, 10, 104002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    111 Scopus citations
  • Efficacy of electropalatography for treating misarticulation of/r/

    Hitchcock, E. R., McAllister Byun, T., Swartz, M. & Lazarus, R., Nov 2017, In: American journal of speech-language pathology. 26, 4, p. 1141-1158 18 p.

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  • Eight New Developments, Uses, and Clarifications of the Conflict Tactics Scales

    Straus, M. A. & Douglas, E. M., 1 Oct 2017, In: Journal of Family Issues. 38, 14, p. 1953-1973 21 p.

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    18 Scopus citations
  • Empowering infants through responsive and intentional play activities

    Shin, M. & Partyka, T., 3 Apr 2017, In: International Journal of Early Years Education. 25, 2, p. 127-142 16 p.

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    Lookadoo, R., Yang, Y. & Merrill, E. C., 1 Oct 2017, In: Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. 79, 7, p. 2007-2020 14 p.

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    7 Scopus citations
  • Entropy production in a fluid-solid system far from thermodynamic equilibrium

    Chung, B. J., Ortega, B. & Vaidya, A., 1 Nov 2017, In: European Physical Journal E. 40, 11, 105.

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    9 Scopus citations
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