TUES Type 1: Incorporation of Research Skills into the Undergraduate Biochemistry Curriculum to Create Extraordinary Scientists for the Modern Research Environment

Project Details


This project is establishing a two semester series of biochemistry laboratory courses, Biochemistry I and II, in which students carry out class research projects that are an outgrowth of the research projects of on-campus faculty. Students present their work at the end of each semester. A unique feature of the project is an advisory board composed of industry representatives and faculty from nearby institutions. The board helps critique student presentations and the design and implementation of the project itself. Approximately 130 students/year will benefit from this project.

Intellectual Merit: The rigorous evaluation plan includes comparison of the knowledge, skills, and scientific insights gained by students in the research centered courses to those gained by students taking the more traditional standard lab modules centered courses. The research topics are current and challenging but appropriate for the students. Examples include: structure-function relationships for dihydrofolate reductase and indole-2-glycerol phosphate synthase, screening of kinase inhibitors against new targets, and experiments in soil enzymology.

Broader Impact: if successful this approach is one that could be adapted by many urban universities close to centers of appropriate industries and research centers.

This project is being jointly funded by the Directorate for Biological Sciences and the Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Division of Undergraduate Education as part of their efforts toward support of Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education.

Effective start/end date1/01/1330/06/17


  • National Science Foundation: $166,475.00


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