Addressing the health care delivery needs in the acute care setting by developing a postmaster’s acute care certification program

Helen Miley, Courtney Reinisch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The state of New Jersey certifies nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists from all specialties as advanced practice nurses (APNs). There are more than 4,000 certified APNs in the state in 17 specialty areas. APNs in the state have the privilege of practicing in various settings such as ambulatory, inpatient, and long-term care. The state does not limit the setting where an APN chooses to practice. A trend is emerging in the state to address the concern of primary care–educated APNs to prepare them for the delivery of care in the acute care setting. Some institutions within the state of New Jersey are requiring their primary care educated and certified adult primary care APNs working in an inpatient setting to obtain an acute care certification. Recognizing the needs of these adult primary care APNs, Dr. Helen Miley developed a postmaster’s certificate program which has been approved by Rutgers School of Nursing faculty. Although the first cohort has not yet been admitted to the program, it will be implemented in the near future. Because it is important to address the educational needs of adult primary care APNs, this article describes the needs assessment and development plan used for this program.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)124-127
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2016


  • Acute care
  • Acute care certificate program
  • Adult advanced practice nurse educational needs
  • Gaps in educational preparation


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