Blebs in intracranial aneurysms: Prevalence and general characteristics

Seyedeh Fatemeh Salimi Ashkezari, Felicitas J. Detmer, Fernando Mut, Bong Jae Chung, Alexander K. Yu, Christopher J. Stapleton, Alfred P. See, Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, Fady T. Charbel, Behnam Rezai Jahromi, Mika Niemelä, Juhana Frösen, Ji Zhou, Spandan Maiti, Anne M. Robertson, Juan R. Cebral

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    17 Scopus citations


    Background Blebs are rupture risk factors in intracranial aneurysms (IAs), but their prevalence, distribution, and associations with clinical factors as well as their causes and effects on aneurysm vulnerability remain unclear. Methods A total of 122 blebs in 270 IAs selected for surgery were studied using patient-specific vascular reconstructions from 3D angiographic images. Bleb geometry, location on the aneurysm, and frequency of occurrence in aneurysms at different locations were analyzed. Associations between gender, age, smoking, hypertension, hormone therapy, dental infection, and presence of blebs were investigated. Results Of all aneurysms with blebs, 77% had a single bleb and 23% had multiple blebs. Only 6% of blebs were at the neck, while 46% were in the body and 48% in the dome. Aneurysms with blebs were larger (p<0.0001), more elongated (p=0.0002), and with wider necks than aneurysms without blebs. Bleb presence was associated with dental infection (p=0.0426) and negatively associated with hormone therapy (p=0.0426) in women. Anterior and posterior communicating arteries had larger percentages of aneurysms with blebs than internal carotid arteries. Patients with a history of hypertension tended to have a larger percentage of aneurysms with blebs. However, these trends did not reach significance in this sample. Conclusions Blebs are common in IAs, and most aneurysms harboring blebs have a single bleb. Blebs in the aneurysm neck are rare, but they are equally common in the body and dome. The presence of blebs in IAs was associated with dental infection, and negatively associated with hormone replacement therapy.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)226-230
    Number of pages5
    JournalJournal of NeuroInterventional Surgery
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - 1 Mar 2021


    • Aneurysm
    • Hemorrhage


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