BoolCalc! ™ Boolean function simplification calculator for Windows Mobile Smartphone

Peter C. Sokolowski, George E. Antoniou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Boolean logic minimization is a flexible process which spawned many different techniques to meet various solution requirements, all in order to improve efficiency and lowering costs of constantly evolving technology. There is no single best technique to minimize a Boolean expression. Rather, various techniques are applied depending on the on-set requirements of users. Computer implementation favours algorithmic-based techniques, which will always welcome efficiency improvements. The implemented algorithm, in this paper, is based on the Modified Quine and McCluskey (M Q-M) minimization method. At this time there are several software solutions that allow efficiently minimizing Boolean expressions. None of them however are as compact as the one introduced in this work. This solution will allow the Windows Mobile Smartphone owner to quickly perform minimizations for 2, 3 or 4 variables. The compact nature of the Smartphone, which in essence is a mobile phone, will satisfy the most portability and flexibility of use for this application. At this time there are several software solutions that allow efficiently minimizing Boolean expressions. None of them however are as compact as the one introduced in this work. This solution will allow the Windows Mobile Smartphone owner to quickly perform minimizations for 2, 3 or 4 variables. The compact nature of the Smartphone, which in essence is a mobile phone, will satisfy the most portability and flexibility of use for this application. This solution was developed in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Operating platform requirements: Windows Mobile 5.0 operating system with.NET Compact Framework 2.0, or higher.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Electrical Engineering
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2009


  • Boolean simplification
  • Quine-McCluskey method
  • Smartphone
  • Windows Mobile


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