Conceptualizing and Dismantling White Privilege in School Psychology Research: An Ecological Model

Sally L. Grapin, Lindsay M. Fallon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


A considerable body of literature has explored the impact of individual and structural racism on the work of school psychologists; however, less research has focused on White privilege specifically. Moreover, much of school psychology’s current scholarship on White privilege has focused on issues in training and practice, with relatively less literature exploring its intersection with research activities. In this article, we describe the emergence of Whiteness studies and their relevance for school psychology. We outline an ecological model for conceptualizing White privilege across four stages of the research process: (a) research inputs, (b) transformations, (c) research outputs, and (d) applications of research to practice. We also describe macrolevel and microlevel influences that shape school psychologists’ research activities at each of these stages. Finally, we outline recommendations for dismantling White privilege across all stages of the research process. Impact Statement White privilege has a substantial role in shaping the research activities of school psychologists, including their research questions, access to resources, methodological preferences, publications, and applications to practice. Advancing equity and social justice in school psychology will involve interrogating and dismantling White privilege at all stages of the research process.

Original languageEnglish
JournalSchool Psychology Review
StateAccepted/In press - 2021


  • Prerna Arora
  • White privilege
  • ecological framework
  • research
  • school psychology


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