Content and reliability of discrepancy-defined self-awareness in multisource feedback

John T. Kulas, Lisa M. Finkelstein

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


Although researchers have documented multiple antecedent and outcome correlates of the self-awareness construct, relatively little work has focused on placing the construct within a nomological network. Using item response theory (IRT) analyses of differential item functioning (DIF), the authors compared the relationships between observed and latent performance domains on a 360° assessment for high- and low-self-aware individuals. The reliability of discrepancy-defined self-awareness was assessed and deemed adequate, and indices of graded response model fit to 360° data were recorded. As an initial step toward defining this discrepancy-defined construct within a larger nomological network, extant constructs of personal warmth, self-promoting, and self-monitoring were identified as potential contributors to self-awareness using the DIF investigative framework.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)502-522
Number of pages21
JournalOrganizational Research Methods
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 2007


  • 360; Performance appraisal
  • DIF
  • Difference scores
  • Self-awareness


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