Cyclic voltammetric studies of some polythiophene systems

W. S. Huang, M. Angelopoulos, B. D. Humphrey

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In this paper, we present some cyclovoltammetric studies of polythiophene systems under different synthetic conditions. It appears that lower redox potentials are observed for polymers having higher conductivities. The data seems to suggest that molecular order in the polythiophene systems is greatly dependent on synthetic conditions and has a significant effect on the resulting conductivity. The authors find a strong correlation between electrical conductivity and redox potential for electrochemically synthesized PMT. The lower the redox potential of the polymer obtained, the higher the measured conductivity. This implies that the mean conjugation length increases in the polymer. Both PMT and PBT have a tendancy to form low redox polymers at thin film deposition stage and at low temperature synthesis suggesting that the polymers under these conditions have improved molecular order.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 1991
Event49th Annual Technical Conference -ANTEC '91 - Montreal, Que, Can
Duration: 5 May 19919 May 1991


Other49th Annual Technical Conference -ANTEC '91
CityMontreal, Que, Can


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