Does burnout begin with student-teaching? Analyzing efficacy, burnout, and support during the student-teaching semester

Helenrose Fives, Doug Hamman, Arturo Olivarez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

200 Scopus citations


The burnout process may begin as early as the student-teaching experience [Gold, Y., 1985. Does teacher burnout begin with student teaching? Education, 105, 254-257]. Data from 49 student-teachers in the southwest United States were gathered twice during their student-teaching practicum. Data assessing teacher efficacy, teacher burnout, learning climate, and cooperating teacher support (guidance or imitation) were analyzed using correlational analyses, repeated measures MANOVA, a 2×2 repeated measures MANOVA, and stepwise regression. Results indicated significant increases in efficacy and decreases in burnout symptoms over time. We found significant interactions in the three factors of burnout by guidance group, such that student-teachers experiencing high guidance demonstrated lower levels of burnout at the end of their practicum.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)916-934
Number of pages19
JournalTeaching and Teacher Education
Issue number6
StatePublished - Aug 2007


  • Cooperating teacher interaction
  • Learning climate
  • Student-teachers
  • Teacher burnout
  • Teacher efficacy


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