Effects of bilingualism, noise, and reverberation on speech perception by listeners with normal hearing

Catherine L. Rogers, Jennifer J. Lister, Dashielle M. Febo, Joan M. Besing, Harvey B. Abrams

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218 Scopus citations


This study compared monosyllabic word recognition in quiet, noise, and noise with reverberation for 15 monolingual American English speakers and 12 Spanish-English bilinguals who had learned English prior to 6 years of age and spoke English without a noticeable foreign accent. Significantly poorer word recognition scores were obtained for the bilingual listeners than for the monolingual listeners under conditions of noise and noise with reverberation, but not in quiet. Although bilinguals with little or no foreign accent in their second language are often assumed by their peers, or their clinicians in the case of hearing loss, to be identical in perceptual abilities to monolinguals, the present data suggest that they may have greater difficulty in recognizing words in noisy or reverberant listening environments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)465-485
Number of pages21
JournalApplied Psycholinguistics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 2006


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