Framing Corruption: The Ley de Reforma Educativa and Puerto Rico’s Education Scandal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In 2018, the Ley de Reforma Educativa de Puerto Rico (LREPR) was legislated five months after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Shortly after the legislation of the LREPR, former Secretary of Education for Puerto Rico Julia Keleher was arrested on fraud charges. This paper addresses the education corruption scandal in Puerto Rico by several elected ofcials connected to the Ley de Reforma Educativa de Puerto Rico, a reform that aims to neoliberalize Puerto Rico’s public education sector. In this study, I use newspaper articles from El Nuevo Día, El Vocero, Primera Hora, and The San Juan Daily Star to conduct a content analysis and answer two research questions: (1) What frames were prominently used in reporting the education corruption scandal in Puerto Rico by newspaper outlet? And (2) does the use of frames vary significantly by newspaper outlet? I argue that the education corruption scandal was framed in a typically episodic form. Further, I contend how the news coverage presented the corruption scandal did not thoroughly notify citizens of the long-term impacts of corruption on the education system in Puerto Rico.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)95-121
Number of pages27
JournalCentro Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2022


  • Education reform policy
  • Puerto Rico
  • content analysis
  • education corruption


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