Moving towards justice and equity: Interdisciplinary dismantling of ableism and racism in special education

Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides, María Cioè-Peña, Rachel Fish

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial


This special issue engages with the reality and consequences of the harms and benefits of special education with a focus on racial disproportionality. It draws upon the diverse disciplinary, methodological, and theoretical orientations and positionalities of the contributing authors to better understand how ableism and racism are key factors related to the disproportionality problem. Our hope is that these papers will provide researchers, practitioners, and policymakers new lines of inquiry and praxis, challenging assumptions about the purpose and scope of special education and developing an emancipatory and inter disciplinary reimagining of special education equity research.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)335-339
Number of pages5
JournalTheory into Practice
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2024


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