Pick a card: Price ranges and gift card choice

Jay P. Carlson, Iman Paul

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Gift cards are wildly popular with consumers. Vast assortments of gift cards are available at many regional and national retail stores (e.g., grocery, convenience, home improvement). The present research examines consumer reactions to price range amounts displayed on gift cards (e.g., $20-$100; $25-$250). Commonly affixed to gift cards to convey possible purchase loads, price ranges appear to serve as contextual information for a desired purchase load as a gift that can affect beliefs about the recipient's views of the gift card i.e., metaperceptions. Specifically, these metaperceptions tend to be more negative for a gift card displaying a price range when the desired purchase load is the lower bound rather than the upper bound. These beliefs can, in turn, affect gift card choice, but only when social risk is applicable. Four studies provide support for the theory.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102871
JournalJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services
StatePublished - Mar 2022


  • Gift card
  • Metaperceptions
  • Price range


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