Raíces Del Sur: Cultivating Ecofeminist Visions in Urban New Jersey

Renata Blumberg, Rosa Huitzitzilin, Claudia Urdanivia, Brian C. Lorio

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Significant research has been devoted to analyzing community gardens, including their benefits and problems. This article contributes to debates about community gardens by using concepts from feminist geography and food justice research to reflect upon the challenges and possibilities of community gardening in small, peripheral cities with large immigrant populations. We argue that these concepts provide a useful framework to enact ecofeminist visions through community gardens, especially in places dominated by immigrant populations that are particularly marginalized in the present political era. Our case study garden, Raíces Del Sur, was located in the City of Passaic, a low-income, post-industrial urban center surrounded by suburbs in Passaic County, New Jersey. As activists involved in the making of the Raíces Del Sur community garden to different degrees, and as researchers committed to an ecofeminist vision, we draw attention to the need for greater ecofeminist engagement with community gardening initiatives in cities throughout New Jersey.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)58-68
Number of pages11
JournalCapitalism, Nature, Socialism
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2 Jan 2018


  • Community gardens
  • New Jersey
  • decolonization
  • ecofeminism
  • food justice


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