Solidarity on the screen and six feet apart? Discrit mothering amid multiple social crises

Maggie R. Beneke, María Cioé-Peña, Valentina Migliarini

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In justice movements, solidarity means showing up for the humanity of others. This paper explores DisCrit mothering as a form of solidarity with children and families dehumanized by ableism and racism. As three motherscholars, who occupy varying spaces of privilege/marginalization in the academy, we reflect on our attempts to support our communities through DisCrit mothering, especially amid a global pandemic, uprisings for racial justice, and ongoing climate crises. As we encountered physical distance from our children’s learning communities, we asked: What might solidarity look like? To answer this question, we share how we attempted solidarity from a distance.


  • Critical Race Parenting (ParentCrit)
  • Disability Critical Race Theory (DisCrit)
  • early childhood


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