Structure and physical properties of single crystals of the 84-K superconductor Bi2.2Sr2Ca0.8Cu2O8+

S. A. Sunshine, T. Siegrist, L. F. Schneemeyer, D. W. Murphy, R. J. Cava, B. Batlogg, R. B. Van Dover, R. M. Fleming, S. H. Glarum, S. Nakahara, R. Farrow, J. J. Krajewski, S. M. Zahurak, J. V. Waszczak, J. H. Marshall, P. Marsh, L. W. Rupp, W. F. Peck

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623 Scopus citations


Single crystal sof the 84-K superconductor Bi2.2Sr2Ca0.8Cu2O8+ were characterized by x-ray diffraction, dc magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and microwave absorption. The structure has [CuO2] planes separated by calcium atoms, edge-shared bismuth oxide double layers, and an incommensurate superlattice along b with a period of 4.76. The in-plane resistivity above Tc is linear in T, with RT=130 cm. Initial results on Pb substitution yielding Tc's of 107 K are reported.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)893-896
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1988


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