Supporting novice mathematics teacher educators teaching elementary mathematics content courses for the fifirst time

Siobahn Suppa, Joseph Dinapoli, Eva Thanheiser, Jennifer M. Tobias, Sheunghyun Yeo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


In order to be effectively prepared by a teacher education program, prospective elementary teachers (PTs) need to experience high quality mathematics instruction in their mathematics content courses. The instructors of these courses typically consist of individuals (mathematicians and mathematics educators) with ranging experiences, from tenured faculty members to first-year assistant professors or graduate students. This paper explores how to support novice mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) who are teaching elementary content coursework for PTs for the first time. We detail and describe how to implement three systems for supporting novice MTEs: working with a mentor, being provided with educative curriculum materials, and working in a collaborative teaching environment. We close by discussing specific challenges associated with these supports, and call for more institutions to share how they have successfully implemented systems to support novice MTEs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)493-536
Number of pages44
JournalMathematics Enthusiast
Issue number2-3
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2020


  • Collaborative teaching
  • Educative curriculum
  • Elementary mathematics teacher educators
  • Mentoring


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