The diagnostic value of EEGs in patients with syncope

Abuhuziefa Abubakr, Ilse Wambacq

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55 Scopus citations


We retrospectively reviewed reports of all EEGs performed at the New Jersey Neuroscience Institute at JFK Hospital between January 1999 and December 2003. Of 9234 EEGs performed, 1094 were of patients with syncope. Among patients with syncope, 67.18% of the EEGs were normal and 28.15% showed diffuse and focal slowing. Only 1.46% of the EEGs showed epileptiform discharges (EDs). This is similar to the incidence of EDs in healthy adults. The presence of EDs did not change the management of these patients. Therefore, EEGs have very low yield and should not be routinely obtained in patients with syncope.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)433-434
Number of pages2
JournalEpilepsy and Behavior
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 2005


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