The influence of electronic word of mouth on green cosmetics purchase intention: evidence from young Vietnamese female consumers

Thuy Thi Thu Nguyen, Yam B. Limbu, Long Pham, Miguel Ángel Zúñiga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Purpose: This study aims to examine the direct and indirect influence of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on green cosmetics purchase intention of young Vietnamese female consumers through health concern, environmental concern and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) factors. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from a survey of Vietnamese young female consumers that were analyzed using a partial least squares structural equation modeling. Findings: The results reveal that eWOM has a direct effect on consumers’ purchase intention of green cosmetics. Among TPB factors, attitude was a greater influential predictor of purchase intention than subjective norms. However, the influence of perceived behavioral control on purchase intention was not supported. There were significant indirect effects of eWOM on purchase intention through the mediation of health concern, environmental concern and attitude. Practical implications: Therefore, the findings of this study are relevant for marketers and managers as they provide valuable insights into understanding the motivational factors of consumers’ green cosmetics purchase intention. The results highlighted that eWOM could increase young female consumers’ environmental concern and health concern, which, in turn, influence a positive attitude toward green cosmetics. Hence, eWOM is a powerful vehicle for environmental and health messages; also, it can be an important channel of sensitization toward environmental and health issues and motivation of proenvironmental behavior and healthy lifestyle. Originality/value: The study contributed to the literature by confirming the utility of the TPB model in predicting young women’s green cosmetics purchases in the context of Vietnam, an emerging market, which has largely been overlooked in the literature. The findings show that eWOM has a direct influence on green cosmetics purchase intentions of young Vietnamese female consumers and indirectly eWOM through health concern, environmental concern and two TPB factors (attitude and subjective norms).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)406-423
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Consumer Marketing
Issue number4
StatePublished - 10 Jun 2024


  • Electronic word of mouth
  • Environmental concern
  • Green cosmetics
  • Health concern
  • Purchase intention
  • Theory of planned behavior


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