Undergraduate Students’ Knowledge of Algebra: Evaluating the Impact of Computer-based and Traditional Learning Environments

Erin E. Krupa, Corey Webel, Jason McManus

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Abstract: We share results from a quasi-experimental study in which we compared achievement between traditional face-to-face and computer-based sections of Intermediate Algebra on a common multiple choice exam as well as performance on open-response tasks. Students in the computer-based group performed better on the final exam and were also more likely to correctly complete the open-response tasks than students in the traditional sections. However, the computer-based group showed limited ability to interpret an equation and relate it to a contextual situation as compared with the face-to-face group. Students in both groups showed limited ability to write algebraic equations to represent contextual situations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-30
Number of pages18
Issue number1
StatePublished - 5 Jan 2015


  • Curriculum
  • algebra and algebraic thinking
  • post-secondary
  • technology


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